It All Started With The Prospect of Reading 20,000 Words a Minute.
It All Started With The Prospect of Reading 20,000 Words a Minute.
1 year into my Software and Computer Engineering degree, as I proactively found ways to distract myself from revising for my yearly exams, I came across the a course about how to read 20,000 words a minute.
It fascinated me that the mind was capable of such feats, I devoured the book and then the appendix to learn more about the sciences behind this skill.
With one year left at University I came across different alternative therapy courses. They were all private and they intrigued me thoroughly. They included what I had read in the index of that course as well as other things, from accelerated learning to influence, persuasion, self development and hypno-therapy.
I negotiated with my parents to take a year out and I needed a job to fund my new journey. I intentionally did door-to-door because I wanted to apply what I was learning and test it out for myself.
I never completed my first degree and since then I’ve travelled the world and learnt many different disciplines. Alhamdu lilah, the results of my work have been published:
As I compared the results of my work with clients and the results of my work with friends and family, I noticed that when people invested in themselves with a fee they got far better results.
I would tell my friends and family this and I would leave it to them to decide. The money they gave me would go to charity.
I started to get many Muslims asking for facilitation for everything from phobias and anxiety to rape and child abuse. I helped them of course, but in the back of my mind I knew that if I was to continue working with Muslims, I’d need to regularly ask different scholars for their opinions on what to do to ensure that I wasn’t transgressing.
But there’s a problem with that of course !
Each person I asked gave me a different opinion. Plus I never really got the impression that they fully appreciated the context or the situations – and so their opinions were at some level flawed (in their application of the rulings).
I decided to study shariah myself… I finished my undergraduate studies in the year 2010, alhamdu lilah.
I met a blessed couple, Jamaal Diwan and Muslema Purmul, from California who were studying sharia at the time.
After becoming good friends and getting to know each other, we got talking… and it was all too clear that there is a HUGE missing gap for Muslims when it comes to actually implementing all the tazkiyah and self purification that we are told about on a theoretical level.
They encouraged me to set something up for the Muslim community to bridge this gap.
… was born.
About your trainer - Sheikh AbdelRahman Mussa
Sheikh Al Dadoo
A human computer, masha Allah, having memorised more than 100,000 ahadeeth. Honoured to have ijazah from him.
Sheikh Judai
A detailed and brilliantly flexible mind. I was honoured to further my study with him a few times.
Imam Siraj Wahaj
He’s been a role model of mine since my teenage years. I was honoured to share a stage with him.
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